Organic & Alkaline for Balanced Nutrition
Elken Spirulina
- 100% natural and organic
- Complete food with 46 essential nutrients in a balanced proportion in line with the human body's requirements
- Rich concentration of nutrients such as protein (amino acids), vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, phycocyanin and xanthophyll.
- More than 10 international accolades from government bodies & independent organisations
- A rich source of cholesterol-free protein which is also alkaline-forming for balanced nutrition
- Readily digested
- Certified free of microcystine
Inquiries/Orders/Delivery: Contact Form(Below my profile column)
电话 Tel: 016-4265634
Awards and Certifications |
- 100% 天然及有机
- 完整食物—含有46种符合身体均衡营养成分比例的必需营养素
- 富含营养如蛋白质(氨基酸)、维生素、矿物质、碳水化合物、必需脂肪酸、叶绿素、β-胡萝卜素、藻蓝素和叶黄素
- 荣获超过十项由政府团体和私人机构所颁发的国际认证
- 不含胆固醇的碱性形态蛋白质提供均衡营养
- 容易被身体消化
- 证实不含微囊藻毒素
Inquiries/Orders/Delivery: Contact Form(Below my profile column)
电话 Tel: 016-4265634
Elken Spirulina
- 100% tulen dan organik
- Makanan lengkap dengan 46 nutrien penting dalam nisbah seimbang yang memenuhi keperluan badan manusia
- Konsentrasi pekat nutrien seperti protein (asid amino), vitamin, mineral, karbohidrat, asid lemak perlu, klorofil, beta-karotena, phycocyanin dan xantofil
- Lebih daripada 10 penghormatan antarabangsa daripada badan kerajaan dan organisasi berdikari
- Sumber protein bebas kolesterol yang membentuk alkali
- Mudah dicernakan dan diserap
- Disijilkan bebas mikrosistin
Inquiries/Orders/Delivery: Contact Form(Below my profile column)
电话 Tel: 016-4265634
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